Pitfalls to Avoid When Starting a Preschool Franchise in India – Trio Educational Services


As a preschool owner, you will get to play one of the most influential and rewarding roles in a society: you will get to shape the minds and lives of little ones, guide them as they learn their ABCs, and get them off to a strong start in life. But what practices or behaviors should one minimize to become successful at running a preschool franchise?

Let us explore a few of them in this blog. While this list is not exhaustive, it is a good start for evaluating your current practices.

Expecting Overnight Success

Any large undertakings, especially businesses, take their time to blossom and become successful in the eyes of the world. One must think like an elite athlete, who trains for years to be successful at a sporting competition. Instead of feeling disappointment over slow progress (by your expectations), make sure you count your small wins and keep working to the high standards that you would like to maintain for your preschool.

Expecting External Motivation and Encouragement

As a preschool owner, it is natural to feel unmotivated and uninspired on some days. You may feel like you have a thankless job and are not being rewarded adequately for your efforts. Running a preschool is a wonderful, scary, challenging, and exciting job. Believe that your hard work will pay off in time and help you reap benefits.

Compromising on Health and Safety of Employees

Make sure that you listen to employees when they come to you with issues or complaints. Ensure that the efforts they are putting in are within legal and humane limits. Employees who are treated fairly and reasonably are far likelier to stand by your side through challenging times. The opposite is also true. If you neglect their well-being for your own benefit, it will not only hurt your young students, but it will also impact the reputation of your centre.

Compromising on Health and Safety of Children:

The health and safety of students must be on the mind of a preschool owner, all the time. The schedule, curriculum, teaching methodologies, infrastructure, equipment, and learning aids must all be child friendly. The standards of cleanliness and hygiene at your centre must be exceptional. The children must be treated with utmost care by all your employees. No physical or emotional harm must come upon any child. Make sure to understand the health and safety policies outlined by your franchiser, enforce them strictly and be aware of what actions should be taken to prevent/resolve any unfortunate situations.

Slacking Off on Marketing and Sales

Slacking off on marketing and selling, especially when your centre is performing well is something that you may be tempted to do. Always maintain the momentum of your marketing campaign! Get creative with your online promotions. Reach out to a larger audience. Continue networking with a variety of people. Try to cover as many forms of marketing like signboards, print ads, community events, social media collaborations and more.

If you are interested in starting up your own preschool, call our Franchise Manager at 88844 70022 or mail us at franchise@trioschools.com.


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